Vinegar: A Multipurpose Cleaner
Vinegar is nontoxic and eco-friendly, making it the ultimate multipurpose cleaning solution. And it’s super cheap.
Cleaning with vinegar: It’s inexpensive, natural, and tough on bacteria, mildew, and dirt. Use these smart vinegar cleaning tips for every room in your home.
Here’s a look at a few common uses for vinegar around the home.
DIY Cleaners Solutions Tips
- Glass
Use vinegar to make your own glass cleaner. Combine one part water with two parts vinegar in a spray bottle.
- Countertops
Vinegar is a natural disinfectant, it can clean and disinfect countertops after food preparation but it shouldn’t be used on marble or other natural stones that are sensitive to acids. Use a natural stone cleaner instead. The acid in vinegar can diminish the luster of natural stone.
- Faucets
To get rid of stubborn stains, spray fixtures and faucets with vinegar and then tie a bag around it overnight. Scrub and rinse the next morning.
- Shower and Tubs
Spray undiluted white vinegar over tub and shower walls. Let the vinegar sit for several minutes, then scrub and rinse away.
- Microwave
To eliminate odors in your microwave, place a bowl containing a 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water inside the microwave and heat for a couple of minutes.
- Floors
Add a little vinegar to your mop water to help remove salt residue from floors. The acid will neutralize the salt and help remove the haze that is difficult to remove during the winter.
Vinegar isn’t only for cooking. It’s also an eco-friendly and inexpensive household cleaner. And in most cases, you only need to mix vinegar with water.
Better Hire Skyline Clean in Madison, WI!
We, Skyline, use it exclusively for cleaning kitchen and bathroom sinks, stainless steel and metal faucets and household pieces, as well as for the occasional hard-water stained exterior window.